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公司名称 元欣泵(苏州)科技有限公司
资料认证 企业资料通过泵源认证
  • 手机号码
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地 中国/江苏/苏州市
公司规模 50-99人
注册资本 300万美元
注册年份 2014
经营模式 制造商
经营范围 磁力泵 热水泵 热油泵 高温泵 化工泵 高低温泵 高压泵
销售的产品 磁力泵|热水泵|热油泵|高压泵|循环泵|离心泵|旋涡泵|高低温泵|
主营行业 / 第1章 离心泵 / 1.5 热水泵、热水循环泵 / IR型热水泵    

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Yuanxin Pump Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specialized in research, development, manufacture and marketing in the field of high and low temperature pump . In order to satisfy our cumstomers' requirements, we set up Taiwan Yuanxin  in 1990 , Guangdong Yuanxin in 2001 and Kunshan Yuanxin in 2014.


元欣自成立以来, 一直专注于高低温泵浦的研发制造。30年来, 我们以研发创新,品质创新,服务创新为核心目标,汲取世界先进技术,致力为客户提供优质的产品和服务。公司主营高低温无泄漏磁力驱动泵,高压力齿轮旋涡泵,大流量离心泵等;产品具有耐高低温、体积小、噪音小、震动小、外观精致、性能稳定等特点,产品耐温范围从低温-100℃高温+350℃,循环介质水、导热油、乙二醇、酒精、碳氢溶液、硅油、液压油、航空煤油等液体;广泛配套于模具、辊轮、灭菌、试验、反应釜、焊接等冷热交换控温设备。

Since yuanxin establishment, Yuanxin has been focusing on R & D and manufacturing of high and low temperature pumps. Over the past 30 years, we have taken "R & D innovation, quality innovation, service innovation" as our core goal, absorbing the world's advanced technology and committed to providing our customers high quality products and services. The company's mainly products are high and low temperature leakage-free magnetic drive pumps;  high pressure gear vortex pumps, large flow rate  centrifugal pumps,etc . The pumps have advantages of  high and low temperature resistance, small size, low noise, small vibration, delicate appearance and stable performance .The temperature resistance of the product ranges from low temperature -100 ℃ to high temperature + 350 ℃. The circulating mediums are water, thermal oil, glycol, alcohol, hydrocarbon solution, silicone oil, hydraulic oil, aviation kerosene, etc .It is widely used in molds , Rollers, sterilization, testing, reaction kettle, welding and other cold and heat exchange temperature control equipment.


元欣本着顾客上的宗旨, 诚挚的企盼与您携手并进,共创辉煌未来,迈向美好的明天!元欣泵机械真诚欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈


The aim of Yuanxin is“customer first", We are expecting your trust and attention, more expecting to walk to the beautiful future together with you! Welcome friends visit Yuanxin Machinery to guide and negotiate business!


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